Calculation STATBEANS®


Calculation STATBEANS® compute statistics which may then be accessed by user programs or other STATBEANS®. They are JavaBean examples that work with Statgraphics software. What is a JavaBean? It retrieves data from a datasource STATBEAN by specifying one or more column names. Each of our JavaBean examples, or STAT Beans are set up to listen for that datasource's dataChange event, which causes it to request data from the datasource and perform its calculations. Results may then be obtained from the calculation STATBEAN by invoking one of its methods.


The following JavaBean Examples or calculation StatBeans are currently available:

  • Anova - multifactor analysis of variance.
  • Autocorrelations - calculates sample autocorrelations and partial autocorrelations for a time series.
  • CapabilityAnalysis - compares data to process specification limits.
  • ContingencyTableStats - calculates measures of association for rows and columns in contingency tables.
  • ControlCharts - calculates control charts for variables and attributes.
  • Correlations - estimates correlation coefficients between pairs of numeric variables.
  • Crosstabulation - creates a contingency table for 2 categorical or numeric data variables.
  • Distributions - computes probabilities and generates random numbers for 24 probability distributions.
  • FitDistribution - fits distributions to a column of data, computes probabilities, and generates random numbers.
  • GageRandR - estimates gage repeatability and reproducibility.
  • HypothesisTests - performs hypothesis tests for means, medians, standard deviations, proportions, and rates.
  • MultipleRegression - fits a regression model to relate Y to one or more predictor variables.
  • NonlinearRegression - fits a non-linear regression model to relate Y to one or more predictor variables.
  • Percentiles - calculates percentiles for a column of numeric data.
  • Periodogram - calculates periodogram ordinates for a time series.
  • PolynomialRegression - fits a polynomial model to relate Y and X.
  • SampleStatistics - calculates sample statistics for two or more columns of data.
  • SimpleRegression - fits a linear or curvilinear model to relate Y and X. Tabulation - tabulates categorical or numeric data.
  • TimeSeriesAdjustments - applies various mathematical and other adjustments to a time series.
  • TimeSeriesForecast - forecasts values of a time series.
  • TimeSeriesSmoothing - applies different types of smoothers to a time series.
  • ToleranceLimits - calculates normal tolerance limits for a column of numeric data.