FrequencyTable STATBEAN®


Purpose: Constructs a table based on counts obtained from a frequency tabulation using Statgraphics software as a frequency table maker.

DataSource: any (automatic data transfer if Tabulation). 


Read/Write Properties:

Name Type Description Possible Values Default Value
className String Name to be used as column header over labels. Any string. "Frequency"
decimalPlaces int Number of decimal places for displaying frequencies. 0+, or -1 for default. -1
frequencyVariableName String The name of the column containing class frequencies. Any string. "Frequency"
includeCumulativeFrequency boolean Whether to include a column of cumulative frequencies. true,false true
includeCumulativePercentage boolean Whether to include a column of cumulative percentages. true,false true
includeFrequency boolean Whether to include a column of class frequencies. true,false true
includePercentage boolean Whether to include a column of class percentages. true,false true
includeStandardError boolean Whether to include a column of standard errors for the frequencies. true,false false
includeTotal boolean Whether to include a row with table trotals. true,false true
labelVariableName String The name of the column containing class labels. Any string. "Label"
ordering String The type of column ordering desired. Increasing and Decreasing refer to class frequencies. "Alphabetical",
"As Entered",
"Decreasing Alphabetical",
"Increasing Alphabetical".
"As Entered"
weightVariableName String The name of the column containing optional class weights. Any string. ""

Other Public Methods

Name Description Arguments Return Value
int getTotalCount() Returns sum of the frequencies. None. Sum.
int getNumberOfClasses() Returns the number of classes. None. Number of classes.
double getTotalScore() Returns sum of the scores. None. Sum.

Code Sample - see Tabulation.