BoxAndWhiskerPlot STATBEAN®


Purpose: Box-and-whisker plot software for one or more columns of numeric data. This STATBEAN acts as box-and-whisker plot software that works with Statgraphics data analysis products. 

DataSource For The Box-And-Whisker-Plot Software: Any. 


Box-And-Whisker Graph Maker Read/Write Properties
Name Type Description Possible Values Default Value
boxWidth int Percentage of plotting area covered by the box. 10-100 40
columnNames String array The names of the columns (if more than one) to be analyzed. One or more strings. {""}
confidenceLevel double Level of confidence for the prediction and confidence limits, as a percentage. 0.0001-99.9999 95.0
drawVertical boolean Whether to draw the box in the vertical direction. true,false false
flagOutsidePoints boolean Whether to add point symbols showing values unusually far from the box. true,false true
meanSymbol boolean Whether to add a plus sign showing the sample mean. true,false true
medianNotch boolean Whether to add a notch showing a confidence interval for the median. true,false false
rotateClassLabels boolean Whether to make the class labels vertical. true,false false
tablewiseExclusion boolean Whether all rows of the data table containing a missing value in any column should be excluded from the plot. true,false false
xVariableName String The name of the column (if only one) with data values to be plotted on the horizontal axis. Any string. ""

Other Public Methods
Name Description Arguments Return Value
int getNumberOutside() Returns the number of outside points. None. Number of data values more than 1.5 times the interquartile range from the box.
int getNumberOutside(int k) Returns the number of outside points for sample k. Sample number (0 origin). Number of data values more than 1.5 times the interquartile range from the box.
int getNumberFarOutside() Returns the number of far outside points. None. Number of data values more than 3.0 times the interquartile range from the box.
int getNumberFarOutside(int k) Returns the number of far outside points for sample k. Sample number (0 origin). Number of data values more than 1.5 times the interquartile range from the box.
boolean isOverlap(int i,int j) Indicates whether or not the median notches overlap. Sample number 1, sample number 2 (0 origin). True if notches overlap.

Box-And-Whisker-Plot Software Code Sample 

//create a datasource bean 
FileDataSource fileDataSource1 = new STATBEANS.FileDataSource(); 

//set the file name to be read 

//create a chart bean 
BoxAndWhiskerPlot boxandwhiskerplot1 = new STATBEANS.BoxAndWhiskerPlot(); 

//set the column to be plotted 

//add a median notch 

//permit point identification using the mouse 

//show the plot 

//make the plot bean a listener for changes in the FileDataSource bean 

//instruct the fileDataSource bean to read the file 