STATGRAPHICS has been used to analyze data in many fields. The applications linked to on this page are representative of the types of analyses that have been performed. (NOTE: If you have an application that you would like to include on this page, please send it to
Influence of Winemaking Procedure and Grape Variety on the Colour and Composition of Young Red Wines 2013
Potential of Selected Plants as Ipm Components Against Leptocybe Invasa 2013
Comparison of Potassium Fertilizer Products and Amounts on DPL555BR Cotton, 2003
A Crop Loss-Related Forecasting Model for Sclerotinia Stem Rot in Winter Oilseed Rape
Rabbit reproductive performance after insemination with buserelin acetate extender
Pedality And Soil Moisture Retention Characteristics In Relation To Erodibility Of Selected Soils
Anthropological study on spina bifida in the Community of Madrid
Craniometry and racial types in the Iberian Peninsula: the end of a stereotype
New Fossil Cercopithecoids from the Late Miocene of As Sahabi, Libya
Patterns of variation across primates in jaw-muscle electromyography during mastication
Response Surface Designed Experiment for Door Closing Effort
Improvement of the Moulding Process in an Automotive Company by Robust Design Application
Optimization of hot plate welding for series and mass production
The California Greenhouse Gas Initiative and its Implications to the Automotive Industry
Production of Rhodotorula glutinis: a yeast that secretes α-L-arabinofuranosidase
Effects of elevated CO2 and cutting frequency on plant community structure in a temperate grassland
On the mechanism underlying photosynthetic limitation upon trigger hair irritation in the carnivorous plant Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula Ellis) 2011
Response of clonal growth in Phyllostachys praecox f. prevernalis to changing light intensity
Respiratory potential of maize (Zea mays L.) roots exposed to hypoxia
An Investigation of Employee Engagement and Business Outcomes at an Engineering Services Firm 2012
The place of cultural tourism for Cluj-Napoca, Romania as a tourist destination
Real Estate Appraisal: A Double Perspective Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
Strategic Business Forecasting: The Complete Guide to Forecasting Real World Company Performance
Experimental design of plasma spraying and laser treatment of hydroxyapatite coatings
Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Microstructure of Laser Chemical Vapor Deposition of SiC
Robust and non-parametric statistics in the evaluation of figures of merit of analytical methods
Influence of neutralization and fatliquoring processes on the characteristics of goatskins
ICP MS analysis and classification of potable, spring, and mineral waters
Gas Chromatography: Extraction and derivatization of polar herbicides for GC-MS analyses
Optimized derivatization of acidic herbicides with trimethylsilyldiazomethane for GC analysis
Influence of different plant species on water repellency in Mediterranean heathland soils
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Determining the reliability of circuit breakers: case study 2013
The Creation of Learning Networks in Two Spanish Public High Schools 2013
Positioning evaluation of online terminological information systems
Antifungal Protection and Sizing of Paper with Chitosan Salts and Cellulose Ethers
A Multiple-Site Comparison of Woodpecker Communities in Bornean Lowland and Hill Forests
Depth of cure of dental composites submitted to different light-curing modes
Wear and fatigue behavior of nano-structured dental resin composites
High-resolution CT of transplanted teeth: imaging technique and measurement accuracy
Mathematical Model of the Influence of Laser Parameters on the Ablation Rate of Dental Hard Tissues
The influence of drought stress on germinating of selected turfgrass species 2013
Modelling the inter-annual variability of sediment yields: A case study for the upper Lech River 2012
Biology and ecology of Nezumia liolepis and N. stelgidolepis from the west coast of North America
Population ecology of the endangered fan mussel Pinna nobilis in a marine lake
Impact of heavy metals on the oil products biodegradation process
The Role of Credit Rationing in Czech Agriculture - The Case of Large Agricultural Enterprises
Forest externalities, demography and rural development in inland Spain
On the Applicability of Credit Scoring Models in Egyptian Banks
Short-term Perceptions, Corporate Governance and the Management of R & D in Italian Companies
Price trends in greenhouse tomato and pepper and choice of adoptable technology
Statistical Software Packages as an Innovative and Motivational Tool for Teaching Statistics 2013
Case Study of Teaching Statistics in Environmental Science Studies
Teaching Statistics to Engineers: An Innovative Pedagogical Experience
Consumer testing with children on food combinations for school lunch
A forecasting methodology for academic manpower requirements in a small sized technical university
Cultural Responsiveness of School Curriculum and Students' Failure in Turkey
Longitudinal Assessment of Critical Thinking in Pharmacy Students
History of Spanish Mathematics Education Focusing on PhD Theses
Perception of the Entrepreneurship of the Male and Female Students at the University of Novi Sad
Correlation based models for the simulation of energy performance of screw chillers
Model for Electric Energy Consumption in Eastern Saudi Arabia
Using two multivariate methods for line congestion study in transmission systems under uncertainty
Portfolio theory based approach to risk management in electricity markets: Colombian case study
Zeolitisation of Coal Fly Ashes using Microwaves: Process Optimization
On Regression Modeling of Electric Consumption in Eastern Province
Investigations on indoor radon in Austria, Part 1: Seasonality of indoor radon concentration
Cleaning for Improved Indoor Air Quality: an Initial Assessment of Effectiveness
Using human activity data in exposure models: Analysis of discriminating factors
Optimization of a Long-Term Monitoring Program at an Arizona Superfund Site
Characterization of municipal solid waste from the main landfills of Havana city
Diving down the reefs? Intensive diving tourism threatens the reefs of the northern Red Sea
Environmental risk index: A tool to assess the safety of dams for leachate
Operational characterisation of a Micro-SME producing farmhouse cheese in the south of Venezuela 2012
Physico-mechanical properties of chitosan films with carvacrol and grape seed extract 2012
Production yield analysis in the poultry processing industry
Application of Image Analysis for Classification of Ripening Bananas
The drying kinetics of kale (Brassica oleracea) in a convective hot air dryer
Hydration Kinetics of Rice Kernels under Vacuum and Pressure
The use of an 'electronic nose' device to monitor the ripening process of anchovies
Hydration kinetics of dried apple as affected by drying conditions
Aroma compounds as markers of the changes in sherry wines subjected to biological ageing
Physical Characteristics and Acceptability of Extruded African Breadfruit-Based Snacks
Determination of drying characteristics of apples in a heat pump and solar dryer
Inactivation of Bacillus sporothermodurans spores by nisin and temperature studied by design of experiments in water and milk 2014
Effect of High Intensity Ultrasound Treatment on the Growth of Food Spoilage Bacteria 2013
The role of the consumer in the reduction of Listeria monocytogenes in lettuces by washing at home 2013
Statistical Multivariate Analysis of Melon Shape: A Case Study using Near Isogenic Lines
Mapping of ice cream formulation using front-face fluorescence spectroscopy
Chemical and sensory characteristics of Galotyri-type cheese made using different procedures
Response Surface Methodology in the Development of Rice Flour Yeast Breads: Sensory Evaluation
Spectrophotometric methods to differentiate beers and evaluate beer ageing
Colour calibration of a laboratory computer vision system for quality evaluation of pre-sliced hams
Antioxidant potential of single-variety red wines aged in the barrel and in the bottle
Antioxidant capacity and polyphenolic content of high-protein lupin products
Neutrase Immobilization on Alginate−Glutaraldehyde Beads by Covalent Attachment
Characterization and mapping of dwelling types for forest fire prevention
Toxicity of thiamethoxam against Philippine subterranean termites
Risk factors influencing the probability of browsing by hoofed game on forest trees
A correlation for predicting the abrasive water jet cutting depth for natural stones 2013
Evaluating the geomechanical properties of Misis fault breccia (Turkey)
New Optical Filter Plate for Use as Eye Protection by Welders 2013
P-glycoprotein Blockers Augment the Effect of Mitomycin C on Human Tenon's Fibroblasts 2013
Relative Osteopenia After Femoral Implant Removal in Children and Adolescents 2013
Business process redesign in healthcare: Facing the technical challenge
Assessment of hearing loss in elderly people: the feasibility of a nurse administered screening test
The Incidence, Prevalence, and Severity of Sarcoidosis in New York City Firefighters
Influence of acupuncture on the pregnancy rate in patients who undergo assisted reproduction therapy
SARS Transmission Pattern in Singapore Reassessed by Viral Sequence Variation Analysis
Chikungunya Fever in Travelers Returning to Europe from the Indian Ocean Region, 2006
Quality Assurance for Interventional Pain Management Procedures in Private Practice
Modeling of nitro group in explosives: spectroscopic measurements and theoretical calculations
First International Quality Assurance Study on the Rapid Detection of Viral Agents of Bioterrorism
Raman based detection of hazardous liquids concealed in liquid consumer products
Law Enforcement and Forensic Science
DNA technology application procedures in forensic practice: social and ethical conditioning I
Biological variability of the minutiae in the fingerprints of a sample of the Spanish population
Discriminant function sexing of fragmentary and complete femora: standards for contemporary Croatia
Audit of the management of victims of sexual assualt in a city centre genitourinary medicine clinic
A simulation optimization approach in production planning of failure prone manufacturing systems
Friction Coefficient Definition in Compression-fit Couplings Applying the DOE Method
Turning Hardened Steel Using Coated carbide at High Cutting Speeds
Experimental analysis of dimensional error vs. cycle time in high-speed milling of aluminium alloy
Material removal rate and electrode wear study on the EDM of silicon carbide
A 48% Ni–Fe alloy of low coercivity and improved corrosion resistance in a cyclic damp heat test
Analysis and interpretation of the plumbing materials file of the NYS combustion toxicity data bank
Experimental Design of Fire-Retarded Formulations. Low Viscosity Polyester Resins
Analysis of factors affecting the high-speed side milling of hardened die steels
Advanced Methods for Characterisation of Abrasion/Erosion Resistance of Wear Protection Materials
Effect of crosslinking method on collagen fiber-fibroblast interactions
Long-term central venous catheters: size and location do matter
DDT and derivatives may target insulin pathway proteins 2013
Increased plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) levels in retinal venous occlusive disease
Neurosteroids: Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels for Alzheimer's Disease and Vascular Dementia Diagnostics
The Lateral Distal Femoral DEXA Scan in Children: A Chronology of Growing Bone?
Cholesterol Starvation Induces Differentiation of Human Leukemia HL-60 Cells
Human Bocavirus Infection in Children With Respiratory Tract Disease
Staged versus Simultaneous Bilateral Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release: An Outcome Study
Erectile Dysfunction after Therapy with Metoprolol: The Hawthorne Effect
Evaluation of clinical, laboratory and morphologic prognostic factors in colon cancer
Effect of Phototherapy on Neonatal Heart Rate Variability and Complexity
Abnormalities of masseter inhibitory reflex in patients with episodic tension-type headache
Time-series analysis and forecasting of daily averaged surface pressure on Mars (VL1 and VL2 sites)
Meteorological Preprocessing for Air Pollution Impact Assessment
Time trends in minimum mortality temperatures in Castile-La Mancha (Central Spain): 1975–2003
Staphylococcus epidermidis: A differential trait of the fecal microbiota of breast-fed infants
The Prestige oil spill: bacterial community dynamics during a field biostimulation assay
Isolation and Characterization of Intestinal Escherichia coli Clones from Wild Boars in Germany
Population dynamics of Epicoccum nigrum, a biocontrol agent against brown rot in stone fruit
Reliability Analysis of a Mine Production System - A Case Study
Maintainability and reliability analysis of a fleet of shovels
Sex differences in adult cell proliferation within the zebrafish (Danio rerio) cerebellum
Human leukocyte antigen-DQB1 alleles are not associated with schizophrenia in Kuwaiti Arabs
Postural finger tremor exhibited by Parkinson patients and age-matched subjects
Impaired Fasting Glucose Tolerance in First-Episode, Drug-Naive Patients With Schizophrenia
Space and motion discomfort and abnormal balance control in patients with anxiety disorders
Cacao seeds are a "Super Fruit": A comparative analysis of various fruit powders and products
A comparison of three xylanases on the nutritive value of two wheats for broiler chickens
Thermal and Temporal Stability of Swimming Performance in the European Sea Bass
Chlorophyll, bacteria and picophytoplankton in ecological provinces of the North Atlantic
Living macromolluscs from a paleo-reef region on the northeastern Venezuelan continental shelf
Spatial study of juvenile corals in the Northern region of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System
Organotins in marine mammals and seabirds from Norwegian territory
Inspection Frequency Optimization Model for Degrading Flowlines on an Offshore Platform
Central Composite Design in a Refinery's Wastewater Treatment by Air Flotation
Influence of altitude on the height of blue cone in a premixed flame
Formulation and Evaluation of Cephalexin Extended Release Matrix Tablets Using 32 Factorial Design 2011
Formulation of insoluble drugs. Study of pharmaceutical suspensions by response surface methodology
Rapid determination of salbutamol in pharmaceutical preparations by chiral capillary electrophoresis
CYP450 biosensors based on gold chips for antiepileptic drugs determination
Optimization of Iontophoretic Parameters for the Transdermal Delivery of Methotrexate
Rapid Development and Optimization of Tablet Manufacturing Using Statistical Tools
Peculiar transient phenomena observed by HF Doppler sounding on infrasound time scales
Effect of the rotation matrix factorization on the quality of images rotation
An application of design of experiments for optimization of plastic injection molding processes
Improvement of the Moulding Process in an Automotive Company by Robust Design Application
Effects of additives on molecular weight correlations to dynamic viscosity of polypropylenes
Microwave-assisted extraction of decabromodiphenylether from polymers
New developments in chemical modification of fire-safe rigid polyurethane foams
Detection of glue deficiency in laminated wood with thermography
The Promise and Performance of Privatization: The Knoxville Experience
Electoral promises and minority governments: An empirical study
Transformational versus transactional styles of cabinet leadership in Australian politics
Use of Age-Adjusted Rates of Suicide in Time Series Studies in Israel
MRI and Muscle Signal Intensities in Alcoholics Compared With Control Subjects
Short Term Analysis of Long Term Patterns of Heart Rate Variability in Subjects under Mental Stress
Pulp and Paper
Hydrogen Peroxide and Sodium Chlorite ECF Bleaching of Sulphate Hardwood Pulp 2013
Papermaking Potential of Acacia Dealbata and Acacia Melanoxylon
The visual grading system for Scots pine logs in relation to the quality of sideboards produced
Using human activity data in exposure models: Analysis of discriminating factors
Hospital Factors Associated With Emergency Center Patients Leaving Without Being Seen
Influence of long-term spaceflight on neuromechanical properties of muscles in humans
Top Performer Survey: Computerized Psychological Assessment in Aircrew
Text data mining applied to clustering with cost effective tools
Comparison of the effects of an eight-week push-up program using stable versus unstable surfaces 2012
Techniques frequently used during London Olympic judo tournaments: A biomechanical approach 2012
Effect of acute exercise on low molecular weight thiols in plasma
The Velocity of Soccer Kicking and the Laterality of the Lower Extremities
Comparison of Surgically Repaired Achilles Tendon Tears Using Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrices
Metabolic reaction after concentric and eccentric endurance-exercise of the knee and ankle
Science and Skiing: First International Congress on Skiing and Science
Assessing nutritional quality of milk-based sport supplements as determined by furosine
Rapid magnetic resonance elastography of muscle using one-dimensional projection
Viscoelastic modeling of natural and synthetic textile yarns
Ceramides Extracted from Wool: Pilot Plant Solvent Extraction
Nanofiltration as a final step toward textile wastewater reclamation
Transportation Engineering and Safety
Safety and accessibility effects of code modifications and traffic calming of an arterial road
Determining Traffic Stream Impacts of Radar Detectors Using Microscopic Simulation
A Comparison of Snow Quality in Two Swedish Municipalities – Luleå and Sundsvall
PM10 air quality variations in an urbanized and industrialized harbor
Economic Development of Municipalities Depending on Project Management and Territorial Planning
Solar photo-Fenton optimisation in treating carbofuran-contaminated water 2012
Tailor-made biopolymers from leather waste valorisation 2012
Complexity-reduced in the hydroclimatological modelling of aquifer's discharge 2012
Water quality assessment using SVD-based principal component analysis of hydrological data
Changes in Water Chemistry Along the Course of Two Rivers with Different Hydrological Regimes
Statistical and trend analysis of water quality and quantity data for the Strymon River in Greece
Data Mining Applied to the Instrumentation Data Analysis of a Large Dam
Effectiveness of Restored wetlands for the Treatment of Agricultural Runoff
Determination and Classification of Pollutants in Waste Water
Employment of Halophylous Compost in Coastal Aquaculture and Its Relation to Water Quality
Zoology, Wildlife Management, Animal Science
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