FitDistributionTable STATBEAN®


 Purpose: Constructs a table displaying the results of fitting one or more probability distributions to a column of data. This STATBEAN lets Statgraphics act as a goodness of fit calculator to perform fit distribution to data analysis and visualization. 

DataSource: FitDistribution. 


Read/Write Properties:

Name Type Description Possible Values Default Value
includeChiSquaredTest boolean Whether to include the results of a chi-squared test. true,false true
includeEstimates boolean Whether to include the parameter estimates. true,false true
includeHeader boolean Whether to include header at top of page. true,false true
includeKolmogorovSmirnov boolean Whether to include the results of a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. true,false true
includeShapiroWilks boolean Whether to include the results of a Shapiro-Wilks test (normal distribution only). true,false true

Code Sample - see FitDistribution.