
Shell Oil

“On a day to day basis we use Statgraphics to solve all manner of problems from DOE, to Regression, to SPC/SQC.  Recently we used the power of Statgraphics to create a user friendly tool to perform SPC/SQC on a process that has saved the client both time and money by significantly reducing quality testing.  Statgraphics has been a wonderful tool in teaching the art of statistics to our fellow colleagues in Shell.  The ease of use has provided us with much success in explaining statistical concepts to non-statisticians throughout our company.

The ability to overlay plots of analysis has provided our clients with numerous insights on both where to go next and what should be investigated further.  We also find the ability of programing a portfolio for multiple analyses on the same dataset a time saver when introducing new data to the same analysis procedures.  The drop in ability of plots into Microsoft Office programs is also a great feature as well as cutting time and streamlining the process of writing reports for clients.  The ability to select what analyses you need visually provides a great work environment for both statisticians and our clients.

Statgraphics is a powerful statistical software package with the end user in mind.”

Sam, Statistical Consultant, Emergency Response Team

Pacific Industrial Development Corporation

As a user of Statgraphics since 1998 I’ve always been impressed by the graphics package when generating 2D/3D contour plots and response surfaces. The Design of Experiments package includes wonderful dropdown menus for easy selection/definition of screening, response surface and factorial DoE’s (to name a few). Importing data from other programs is also very simple to do, never had an issue with Statgraphics not recognizing numeric data and or being able to convert numbers coded as text… Comparing data sets to determine variance (analytical bias, offsets, etc.) is also just a click of the mouse away; there are so many options to choose from… When stuck the StatAdvisor and Wizard are excellent tools to guide the way. Highly recommend purchasing the latest version, Centurion XVII, I just did!...

Gary A. Gramiccioni, General Manager, PIDC Spartanburg

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

“I particularly like having monitoring records in a data book with multiple data sheets from which it is very easy and quick to select and analyze records of interest.”
“Certain environmental assessments of wide-ranging topics have included analysis of water resources. Using existing water-monitoring records, statistical analysis of water-quality variations, both spatially and temporally, were used to predict using Statgraphics how a proposed mining operation might affect local water resources.”
*Any use, or presumed use, of product name is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
       Brian, OSMRE

Environmental Energy Alliance of New York

I began using Statgraphics twenty years ago and have never stopped.  I found that it was ideal for verifying continuous emission monitoring systems measurements of stack emission data.  I was responsible for submitting the stack data to regulatory agencies and believed that it was appropriate to evaluate the data to determine if there were monitoring problems.  The problem with stack emissions data is that operational variations can mask instrument problems.  I have found that Statgraphics is ideal for trend and outlier evaluation.

For a statistical neophyte, Statgraphics offers an easy to use system that ensured that my evaluations were reproducible, simple to implement, quick to run and could be interpreted easily.  I found that doing a simple regression with the wide variety of regression options was very powerful for data verification.  Statgraphics offers a “brush” plot option that quickly flags when an instrument problem changes the data distribution.  The original reason I purchased Statgraphics is the capability to click on an obvious outlier in any plot and have it highlight the observation in the data set. Combined with the capability to generate a list of unusual residuals it was possible to quickly check any outliers and determine if there were operational reasons.  Going to the data set and comparing all the concurrent measurements quickly and easily made it possible to flag potential instrument problems for further investigation. Finally, I have found that the “StatAdvisor” summaries of the statistical results are invaluable to strengthen my interpretation of the results.I also have used Statgraphics to successfully evaluate and summarize other air quality parameters.

Roger Caiazza

Retired Environmental Scientist at Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation and NRG Energy

Director Environmental Energy Alliance of New York

Liverpool, NY

Super Radiator Coils

An industry specialist in heat transfer. Super Radiator Coils manufactures commercial and industrial heat exchangers for processes and HVAC applications. 3 locations in the U.S.Super Radiator Coils uses Statgraphics for gage R&R as well as for process and machine capability studies. One way Statgraphics is used is to train new employees on the selection and use of measuring devices through the gage R&R process. This helps them gage the operator error as well as the device error. Super Radiator Coils used Statgraphics' capability studies on their CNC machining center to point out how fixturing, tool, and process parameters are critical to achieving accurate results.

“I don’t need a PhD to analyze results, the commentary and graphs are easily understood and entering data from spreadsheets is a breeze.”

Dave, Corporate Director


“We use this software in conventional and unconventional reservoir geochemistry for compartmentalization, production allocation and fluid property prediction.”

Eric, Petroleum Systems Analyst


"Fundicitrus is using Statgraphics to find solutions for a major problem that affect citrus growers in Brazil and specially in Florida. There are two citrus tree bacterial vascular diseases disseminated among the citrus plants by insects. These insects feed in the same tissues the bacteria multiply – the xylem and the phloem that distribute water and minerals and sugar throughout the tree.

Fundicitrus uses the software for determining for example whether different kinds of citrus trees would contain the same bacterium concentration, if bacteria concentration correlates with damages (decrease in fruit number and juice quality), if the climate has an effect on bacteria concentration inside the plant or the insect that disseminate the bacteria in citrus orchards, and to find through multiple regression analysis what climate components would have the best effect on the whole system. All this to try and help global citrus producers fight diseases affecting their crops.

“In the past, for all analysis we used SAS or Statistica software, but now we are doing all the analyses in Statgraphics.”

Silvio, PhD in Plant Pathology


“It is simple software to work with and it produces a very complete and easy to understand report for each study.”

“The software is used daily to conduct those studies.”

COFICAB uses Statgraphics for all the statistical studies within the company, like capability, R&R and control charts.

Cristian, Metrology Engineer


“Here is why I think Statgraphics is better than other statistical software in my opinion. Firstly , Statgraphics’s reporting is excellent. All the reports are easy to understand, even for those users who have forgotten statistics in detail. Also, it gives a very brief explanation about the result. Although its reports give a complete explanation, it is not too wordy. Overall, its reports are easy to follow, numerical and too wordy, and also informative for the users who are not experts in statistics.

Second, the graphs are colorful and look good to the user’s eyes. This is very important for people like me who have been looking at its graphs so much and have to spend a lot of time on- computer. For example, Capability analysis’s graphs use different colors to separate Control Limits from Specification Limits. Different colors on each table helps to distinguish each category and each component.

Third, Statgraphics’ tutorial is excellent. It’s like a perfect training class which goes through different topics in detail. All the webinars and documents are so informative and easy to learn. In conclusion, I love Statgraphics.”

Shahin, CI Engineer

MultiMaterial-Welding GmbH

“As a small R&D company within the automotive industry, we constantly face tough deadlines in our R&D work. “Statgraphics Design of Experiment" software and the easy-to-use statistical analysis tools allow us to reach significant results in an extremely fast and efficient manner.  Presenting results to different competencies is a non-issue since the results are always easy to grasp. It is good value for the money!”

Ellen, Business Analyst

Gunze Electronics

"Statgraphics is a statistical process control software package and Design of Experiment analytical tool that’s helping our company identify manufacturing improvement opportunities across all critical area processes. Statgraphics has helped us identify key areas needing improvements through the SPC data analysis package and offers virtually every statistical tool possible to get “out of control processes” back in control. Its ease of use has made SPC implementation very straightforward and training of manufacturing personnel to use Statgraphics has gone without a hitch because of it. The Design of Experiment (DOE) module that comes with the overall package is a very excellent bonus. No need to look for another statistical number crunching software package to analyze data. Statgraphics has it all. I’m very impressed with it from a pricing standpoint as well as its ability to analyze and present data to all levels of technical and management staff."

Les Garcia, Quality Assurance Manager, Gunze Electronics

Aspen Surgical

"I’ve used Statgraphics to present data in many reports since I’ve been here and it’s those reports that have gotten the attention of my managers. The easy to understand and comprehensive StatAdvisor makes even the most challenging analyses make sense. When it comes to this feature alone there’s simply no comparison."

Bob Lawrence, Director of New Product Development, Aspen Surgical


"Being in the heavily regulated Medical Device Industry, it is important to be assured that our product designs and manufacturing processes are sufficient and capable to ensure their safety and effectiveness. STATGRAPHICS Centurion XVI has given us the tools required to put statistical significance to our data. The new additions to version 16.1 have enabled us to easily calculate tolerance intervals based on normal or non-normal data sets. Additionally, we are now able to assure that our testing sample sizes are sufficient to support the claims being made. The use of STATGRAPHICS Centurion XVI has taken our data analysis to the next level and has been a key factor to promote the quality of Aspen Surgical’s Products."

Quality assurance engineer

Professor of Marketing, SCSU

I have explored and tested Statgraphics XVII in considerable depth. Its range of statistical algorithms is truly remarkable. Each algorithm in the program is addressed logically, authoritatively and in considerable depth. Statisticians and applied researchers will make productive use of available procedures, using routines both within their own bailiwicks and  adapting others for special analyses and unique insights. In the field of marketing the program is quite rich in forecasting, multivariate analysis, experimental designs, sampling decisions, qualitative methods, and measurement evaluation. A most welcome feature is the clarification of the individual technique involved, together with derivative formulae and references. Graphics that accompany each module are remarkable for instant communication of information and are memorable. In a nutshell, Statgraphics Centurion is highly recommended for its reliable, understandable, authoritative and unique blend of numerical and visual output.

Dr. Melvin Prince, Ph.D, Professor of Marketing, Southern Connecticut State University

Private Consultant

“I am a water and environmental consultant (an earth-sciences professional, or "hydrogeologist", as we are termed in my field).  The particular event that caused me to re-install my version of Statgraphics was a question that came up during a litigation for which I am providing expert opinion - a drilling contractor installed a large-capacity water well that does not perform (= produce water at the expected rate) as well as other existing wells owned by a municipal water-supply entity.  If the performance of the new well is "significantly different" from the performance of the older wells, the water-well contractor could be liable for costs incurred to repair, or replace the under-performing well.”

“The results of several goodness-of-fit tests indicated that the performance of the newly-installed well was NOT significantly different from that of the existing older wells at the 95 percent level of confidence (i.e., while the well's performance might be disappointing, it was not sufficiently poor to likely be attributable to negligence on the part of the water-well contractor).  Case closed (or soon will be)“

John, Practical Hydrology

The links below provide reviews and other comments regarding STATGRAPHICS:

OR/MS Today Forecasting Software Survey- 2012

Statgraphics Centurion XVI
Author: QR/MS Today

Case Study Report: Statgraphics Centurion XV Professional - November, 2008 Author: Christopher C.E. Hopkins, Professor/Director, AquaMarine Advisers®, Sweden

OR/MS Today - April, 2008

Statgraphics Centurion XV
Author: Jack Yurkiewicz

How To Deal With Real World Data Using STATGRAPHICS Centurion - 2007
Author:  Quality Magazine

Business-Articles.net, February, 2006

Statgraphics Centurion XV
Statistical Software With Six Sigma
Author: Peter Peterka

Quality Digest - 2002

Statgraphics Plus V. 5
You Don't Have to Be a Statistician
Author: Felix Grant

NewScientist - 1989 (from the archives)

Statgraphics Plus for DOS
Software Review: Graphics Delights
Author: Angus McFadyen