CapabilityAnalysisPlot STATBEAN®


Purpose: Creates a process capability graph with the results of a capability analysis. Allows Statgraphics to function as CPK software.

DataSource for the process capability graph: CapabilityAnalysis. 


Read/Write Properties
Name Type Description Possible Values Default Value
by double Width of intervals. Any double value > 0. 0.1
decimalPlaces int Number of decimal places for displaying limits. 0+, or -1 for default. -1
fillColor Color Color to use for the bars. Any valid Color.
from double Lower limit for first interval. Any double value. 0.0
includeCp boolean Whether to include the capability index in the margin of the plot. true,false true
includeCpk boolean Whether to include the capability index in the margin of the plot. true,false true
includeCpkLower boolean Whether to include the capability index in the margin of the plot. true,false true
includeCpkUpper boolean Whether to include the capability index in the margin of the plot. true,false true
includeCpm boolean Whether to include the capability index in the margin of the plot. true,false true
includeCr boolean Whether to include the capability index in the margin of the plot. true,false true
includeK boolean Whether to include the capability index in the margin of the plot. true,false true
resolution int For continuous distributions, the number of points at which the function is calculated. 50+ 500
showLimitValues boolean Whether to display the values for the spefication limits. true,false true
showSpecificationLimits boolean Whether to plot the specification limits. true,false true
showThreeSigmaLimits boolean Whether to plot the 3-sigma limits. true,false true
specificationLimitsColor Color The color of the control limits. Any valid Color.
threeSigmaLimitsColor Color The color of the 3-sigma limits. Any valid Color.
to double Upper limit for last interval. Double value > from. 1.0

Added January, 2019

Name Type Description Possible Values Default Value
includeMean boolean Whether to include the sample mean in the right margin of the graph. true, false true
includeShortterm boolean Whether to include shortterm capability indices as well as longterm indices in the right margin of the graph. true,false false
includeSigma boolean Whether to include the sample standard deviation in the right margin of the graph. true,false true
labelSpecsWithValues boolean Whether to include value of spec limits in top margin of the graph. true,false true

Other properties for process capability graphing are inherited from the java.awt.Canvas class and from the general GraphicalStatbean class.

Code Sample - see CapabilityAnalysis.