Graphical STATBEANS®


Graphical STATBEANS® compute statistics and display them in the form of graphs to behave as graphical software. The STATBEANS® use JavaBeans for Java script visualization to let Statgraphics function as graphical software. They usually retrieve their data and results from a Calculation STATBEAN, although simple Graphical STATBEANS® (such as XYPlot) retrieve their data directly from a DataSource STATBEAN.

The following Graphical STATBEANS® are currently available for Statgraphics graphical software:

  • AutocorrelationsPlot - plot the sample autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions for a time series.
  • Barchart - plots a barchart for a single classification factor.
  • BoxAndWhiskerPlot - creates a box-and-whisker plot for a single column of numeric data.
  • CapabilityAnalysisPlot - displays the results of a capability analysis.
  • CasementPlot - displays a series of X-Y scatterplots by levels of a third variable.
  • ComponentChart - creates a component line chart with filled areas by using Statgraphics graphical software.
  • ControlChartsPlot - plots control charts for variables and attributes.
  • ContourPlot - creates contour plots for a response surface with STATBEANS as a form of Java script visualization.
  • DensityTrace - estimates the probability density function for a single column of numeric data.
  • DexPlot - creates mean, standard deviation, and interaction plots for designed experiments.
  • DistributionsPlot - plots probability distributions and related functions using Java script visualization and STATBEANS graphical software.
  • DotPlot - displays a dot frequency plot for a column of numeric data.
  • DraftsmansPlot - displays a top, front and side view of a 3D scatterplot.
  • FactorBoxPlot - creates box-and-whisker plots by levels of an experimental factor.
  • FactorScatterPlot - creates scatterplots by levels of an experimental factor.
  • FitDistributionPlot - plots the results of fitting one or more distributions to a column of data.
  • FitDistributionQQPlot - plots a quantile-quantile plot to show goodness-of-fit after fitting one or more distributions to a column of data.
  • FrequencyPolygon - plot a frequency polygon or cumulative distribution function.
  • GageRandRPlot - plots data from a gage repeatability and reproducibility study.
  • GraphicalStatbean - base class for all other graphical Statbeans.
  • Histogram - plots a frequency histogram to show the distribution of numeric data.
  • HypothesisTestsPlot - displays results of hypothesis tests.
  • MosaicPlot - creates a mosaic plot for a twoway crosstabulation.
  • MultipleRegressionComponentPlot - creates component+residual plot for a selected variable in a multiple regression model.
  • MultipleRegressionContourPlot - creates a contour plot of the response in a multiple regression model.
  • MultipleRegressionSurfacePlot - creates a 3d surface plot of the response in a multiple regression model.
  • MultipleRegression2DResponsePlot - creates a 2d plot of the response in a multiple regression model.
  • MultipleXYPlot - creates a 2d plot with two or more set of lines or points.
  • ParetoChart - plots a Pareto chart to highlight the "vital few".
  • PeriodogramPlot - plot a periodogram or integrated periodogram for a time series.
  • Piechart - plots a piechart for a single classification factor.
  • ProbabilityPlot - constructs a probability plot for a single column of numeric data.
  • QuantilePlot - plots a quantile plot for a single column of numeric data.
  • QuantileQuantilePlot - plots quantiles of two samples versus each other.
  • ScatterplotMatrix - displays a matrix of 2-variable scatterplots for several numeric columns.
  • SimpleRegressionPlot - displays results of fitting a regression model relating Y and X.
  • Skychart - creates a 3D skychart for a twoway crosstabulation.
  • SubseriesPlot - plots seasonal time series data with Java Script visualization.
  • SurfacePlot - creates 3D surface plots for a response surface.
  • TimeSeriesForecastPlot - plots forecasts for a time series.
  • TimeSeriesPlot - plots time series data.
  • TwowayBarchart - creates a barchart for a twoway crosstabulation.
  • XYPlot - displays a scatterplot or lineplot for two columns of data.
  • XYZPlot - displays a scatterplot or lineplot for three columns of data.