CasementPlot STATBEAN®


Purpose: - displays a series of X-Y scatterplots by levels of a third variable. This STATBEAN® lets Statgraphics create XYZ plots or scatterplots by interpreting given data.

DataSource For Casement Plots: Any. 


Read/Write Properties
Name Type Description Possible Values Default Value
gap double The proportion of the plotting space left blank around each side of the cells of the plot. 0.0-0.25 0.1
missingValueExclusion String The method for handling records which contain missing values. "Columnwise","Casewise",
xVariableName String The name of the column with data values to be plotted on the X axis. Any string. "X"
yVariableName String The name of the column with data values to be plotted on the Y axis. Any string. "Y"
zVariableName String The name of the column with data values to be plotted on the Z axis. Any string. "Z"

Other properties are inherited from the java.awt.Canvas class and from the general GraphicalStatbean class. 

Code Sample 

//create a datasource bean 
FileDataSource fileDataSource1 = new STATBEANS.FileDataSource(); 

//set the file name to be read 

//create a plot bean 
CasementPlot casementPlot1 = new STATBEANS.CasementPlot(); 

//set the columns names 

//add plot 

//make the plot a listener for changes in the FileDataSource bean 

//instruct the fileDataSource bean to read the file 