ControlChartsTable STATBEAN®


Purpose: Displays summary of control charts for easier visual control chart analysis. Lets Statgraphics provide SPC tools.

DataSource: ControlCharts. 


Read/Write Properties For SPC Tools

Name Type Description Possible Values Default Value
decimalPlaces int Number of decimal places for displaying limits. 0+, or -1 for default. -1
includeCp boolean Whether to include the capability index in the table. true,false true
includeCpk boolean Whether to include the capability index in the table. true,false true
includeCpkLower boolean Whether to include the capability index in the table. true,false true
includeCpkUpper boolean Whether to include the capability index in the table. true,false true
includeCpm boolean Whether to include the capability index in the table. true,false true
includeCr boolean Whether to include the capability index in the table. true,false true
includeK boolean Whether to include the capability index in the table. true,false true
includePp boolean Whether to include the capability index in the table. true,false true
includePpk boolean Whether to include the capability index in the table. true,false true
includePpkLower boolean Whether to include the capability index in the table. true,false true
includePpkUpper boolean Whether to include the capability index in the table. true,false true
includePr boolean Whether to include the capability index in the table. true,false true
includeRunsRulesViolations boolean Whether to include a count of runs rules violations. true,false true
numberOfRowsInDisplay int The number of rows to be displayed in the table. 1+ 16
showEstimates boolean Whether to display parameter estimates in the table. true,false true
showHeading boolean Whether to display a heading in the table. true,false true
showIndices boolean Whether to display capability indices in the table. true,false true
showLimits boolean Whether to display control limits in the table. true,false true

Other properties are inherited from the java.awt.Panel class and from the general TabularStatbean class for control chart analysis.. 

Code Sample - see ControlCharts.