Statgraphics in the Cloud
French unemployment levels
Sensitivity analysis of Monte Carlo simulation
Control chart for capability index
Diamond plot showing confidence interval for mean
Multiple violin plot with nonparametric density estimates
Multivariate normal random numbers
Wind rose showing distribution of wind speed and direction
Trivariate density estimation for eruptions of Old Faithful geyser
Tornado plot of poll results in 2016
Butterfly plot of poll results in 2016
Box-and-whisker plot with nonparametric density estimate
Lognormal and Kaplan-Meier distribution estimates for censored data
Ribbon plot
Donut chart for tabulated data
Sunflower plot showing density of Big Data sample
Hexagon plot of regression results for flight delays
Time series baseline plot for Oceanic Niño Index
Trend-cycle component from X-13ARIMA-SEATS seasonal adjustment
Population pyramid for U.S. population
Regression tree
Output map from multidimensional scaling
Survey responses using 5-point Likert scale
Heat map of nonparametric bivariate density estimate
95-90 multivariate tolerance region
Heat map showing crime rates by year and state
Orthogonal regression accounting for errors in both Y and X
Results of tests for equivalence of means
Cluster analysis results based on country demographics
Dynamic bubble chart showing 5 data dimensions
Perspective diagram after Kriging soil sample measurements
Word cloud created from speeches by famous Americans
Statistical tolerance limits based on largest extreme value distribution
Dashboard with alerts
Venn diagram
Three-dimensional waterfall plot
Piecewise linear regression
Washington D.C. climate
Univariate mixture of Gaussian distributions
Ordered waterfall plot
Classification tree in decision forest
Mixture of bivariate Gaussian distributions
Sequential waterfall plot
Radar plot comparing 2 years of exports
Corrgram correlation matrix plot
Ternary plot for 3 components
Heat map showing rural population percentages
Candlestick plot showing open-high-low-close and volume
Quantile regression
K-means clustering
Distribution fitting
Interfaces to R and Python