ControlChartsPlot STATBEAN®


Purpose: SPC chart software that plots control charts for variables or attributes. Provides Statgraphics software with SPC tools.

DataSource for SPC Tools: ControlCharts. 

controlchartplot1 controlchartplot2

SPC Chart Software Read/Write Properties
Name Type Description Possible Values Default Value
centerlineColor Color The color of the centerline. Any valid Color.
chartData String Contents of the chart, either a simple statistic or a smoothed value. "Statistic",
chartNumber int Chart to display (0=location, 1-scale). 0,1 0
connected boolean Whether to connect data values with a line. true,false true
controlLimitsColor Color The color of the control limits. Any valid Color.
decimalPlaces int Number of decimal places for displaying limits. 0+, or -1 for default. -1
displayLimitValues boolean Whether the display the values for the control limits. true,false true
innerWarningLimitsColor Color The color of the outer warning limits. Any valid Color.
outerWarningLimitsColor Color The color of the inner warning limits. Any valid Color. Color.yellow
outOfControlPointType String The type to be used for the out of control point symbols. "Rectangle","+","X",
"Inverted Triangle",
"Circle","Filled Rectangle",
"Filled Circle"
outOfControlPointColor Color The color of the out of control points. Any valid Color. Color.yellow
showCenterline boolean Whether to plot the centerline. true,false true
showControlLimits boolean Whether to plot the control limits. true,false true
showInnerWarningLimits boolean Whether to plot the inner warning limits. true,false false
showOuterWarningLimits boolean Whether to plot the outer warning limits. true,false false
showSpecificationLimits boolean Whether to plot any input specification limits. true,false true
showRunsRulesViolations boolean Whether the flag the location of any runs rules violations. true,false true
smootherColor Color The color of the smoother. Any valid Color.
smootherParameter double Parameter for the EWMA smoother. 0-1, exclusive. 0.2
smootherSpan int Number of terms in the MA smoother. 2+ 9
smootherType String type of smoother to add to chart, if any. "None",
specificationLimitsColor Color The color of the specification limits. Any valid Color. Color.magenta

Added January, 2019

Name Type Description Possible Values Default Value
blockLegends boolean Whether control limit values should be displayed in a single block rather than level with control limits. true,false false
centerlineLabel String Label used in right margin when showing value of centerline. Any string. "CL = "
colorZones boolean Whether to color 1,2,3 sigma zones in green, yellow and red. true,false false
useDefaultXaxisScaling boolean Whether to use default scaling for X-axis. true,false true
useDefaultYaxisScaling boolean Whether to use default scaling for Y-axis. true,false true
xType char Type of data to be plotted on X-axis. 'N','D','M',"T" or 'S' for numeric data, dates, months, times (HH:MM), or extended times (HH:MM:SS). 'N'

Other properties for this SPC chart software are inherited from the java.awt.Canvas class and from the general GraphicalStatbean class.

Code Sample - see ControlCharts.